1st Aid

Are you wondering if Egoscue Posture Therapy can help you? Would you like to get a feel for it?

Here's a partial list of conditions that have been helped.  Click on one that applies to you to see YouTube video links that have short, easy exercises for you to try for pain relief.  Simply follow along with the video.  Pay attention to what helps.


Parkinson's Disease is a chronic, progressive movement disorder caused by a malfunction of the neurons in the movement control area of the brain.  Some common symptoms are tremors, slow movement, rigidity/freezing, and postural instability.  There is no cure, but research shows that regular exercise and movement can be beneficial by improving brain function and chemistry.  

Posture therapy can give you the best opportunity to live with the disease with a better quality of life.  Posture therapy helps improve mobility, gait, balance, and strength.  By focusing on the postural symptoms (commonly, rigidity and trembling of the head, forward trunk tilt, reduced arm swing, shuffling gait and short steps, and rigidity and trembling of the extremities), posture therapy gives you the best chance to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's and improve your quality of life.  

Furthermore, the pain comes from postural imbalances (just like people without the disease), not the disease.  Just as with just about everyone else, if you change the postural imbalances, you change the symptoms.  

Egoscue University Certified Posture therapy at Pain Free Santa Fe can help you.  Here's how it works.  Click here to contact Jaz Reis and schedule and appointment.   


Arthritis (joint inflammation) is the body's natural response to a misaligned and dysfuntional musculoskeletal system, a condition that can be corrected with targeted, isolating exercises to move the body back to its natural, aligned state.  The arthritis causes stiffness, but muscular imbalances cause the pain.  The muscular imbalances can be corrected, and then the body will stop sending the inflammation to protect the joint from improper movement.  What your body put there in the first place to protect the joint, your body can take away when the excess friction from misalignment is gone.

Click here to learn more about the body's natural alignment, or how posture therapy works.

Contact Pain Free Santa Fe to schedule a free posture assessment, and find out if Egoscue certified posture therapy can help you live a pain free, active life.

Thanks for reading.  For more inspiration, read some of Pete Egoscue's books, or check out some of these quotes.

Groin Pain

Groin pain is usually associated with hip degeneration.  It's time to correct the root cause and avoid surgery and drugs.  Contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment to find out if Egoscue Certified Posture therapy can help you.  

Shin splints

Shin splints hurt like the dickens, and are caused by muscle imbalances.  Contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment to learn if Egoscue Certified Posture/Exercise Therapy can help you.  In the meantime, get Pete Egoscue's 1993 book, Pain Free, for a short sequence to begin to correct the misalignments.  The exercises are Supine Foot Circles and Point Flexes, Supine Calf & Hamstring Stretch, Static Extension, and Airbench. 

Hamstring Pain

If your hamstrings hurt, chances are your posture is out of alignment.  You can relieve the pain with some simple exercises (below), but you should consider getting at the root cause by realigning your body with simple Egoscue exercises.  Pain Free Santa Fe is a studio with Egoscue certified Posture Alignment and Exercise Therapy specialists.  Come back and contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment after reading this article below (with exercises to try) by Pete Egoscue.  Just click on your browser's back button (left arrow in upper left corner) to return to this site.

Here is the article: http://www.sonima.com/fitness/exercises-for-hamstring-pain/



Sciatic Pain

Absent some kind of accident, sciatic pain originates in poor posture.  As the sciatic nerve descends from your low back through the back of your pelvis, it can get pinched by the piriformis muscle, resulting in leg pain.  You can correct the postural conditions that cause your piriformis muscle to overwork, and cure the sciatic pain.

In the mean time, here are some simple exercises you can try for immediate relief.  Watch this video from the Egoscue Clinic in Austin, then click your browser's back button to return to this site and contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment.

Here is the link: https://youtu.be/8LNEjJkPHKM


Bunions can be the first indicator that your hips are not functioning correctly.  Correct your hip extension and flexion to reverse the bunions.

Read this article on Egoscue.com by John Elder from the Egoscue Clinic in Nashville, then click your browser's back button to return to this site and contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment.


Elbow pain

Elbow pain is a symptom of postural misalignment. Check out this article by Pete Egoscue, founder of the Egoscue Method, from Sonima.com. The article addresses tennis elbow, but the information and issues are the same whether you play tennis, or not.  Then, contact Pain Free Santa Fe, Egoscue-certified posture therapists, for a complimentary posture evaluation.

Tennis elbow

Here is an article by Pete Egoscue, Pain and Anatomy Advisor, from Sonima.com

Please click on this link:  http://www.sonima.com/fitness/elbow-pain/.  Then click on your browser's back button (left arrow in the upper left corner) to return to this site. 

Contact Jaz and Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary postural assessment, and find out what is causing your pain.  



What we call TMJ, or jaw pain, is caused by the forward position of your head in relation to the rest of your body.  The muscles that should be allowing you to chew and talk are instead working overtime to hold your head up!  To relieve this pain, you must realign your body, re-educate the muscles and bring proper function back to the muscles that are hurting. Contact Pain Free Santa Fe to make an appointment for a free posture assessment so you can see for yourself how your alignment is causing the pain.  You can correct the alignment with posture therapy - simple exercises to retrain your muscles.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis - inflammation of the fascia of your foot - is the painful result of misalignment of your load joints, especially your hips.  Have a look at the simple exercises to relieve the pain in this article from Sonima.com by Pete Egoscue.  These exercises won't resolve the root cause of the pain, but they just might relieve the pain by eliminating the compensations that are causing the pain.  Try them, and you can repeat them whenever you want to feel better.  


Here is another short sequence you can try for relief from plantar fasciitis.  This one is from Rich Mathes and the Egoscue Austin team:  https://youtu.be/8LNEjJkPHKM

Then, contact Pain Free Santa Fe for a complimentary posture assessment to find out if your body is mis-aligned, and how to correct the misalignments and allow your body to heal itself.  We look forward to helping you in this process.

Sinus pain

By repositioning your neck and head, you can relieve sinus pain and congestion.  Try the two corrective exercises in this YouTube video from Sonima.com with Pete Egoscue and friend:  


Learn more about posture therapy here.

Then, find out what is causing your head to be out of position. Contact Pain Free Santa Fe to make an appointment.